There are tons of great personal finance articles on the web. Every week, I wade through many of them in search of the best of the best. Here’s my latest highly subjective top 10 list, with 5 from traditional sites and 5 from blogs.
Recall! E-Mail Habits That Could Cost You At Work (via Our job is our economic engine. One way to keep it humming is to make sure we’re following proper e-mail protocol.
Go Beyond Referrals to Find a Real Estate Agent (via Buying or selling a home is a lot easier with the right agent. Here are some good ideas for making sure you have the right one on the job.
Back to School Smart Phone Shopping Tricks (via Time- and money-saving ways to use your smart phone to help your kids get ready for school.
18 Tips to Ace Your Job Interview (via If you’re in the market for a new job, review this list before heading out to your next interview.
My Wallet Was Stolen: 4 Lessons Learned (Via This re-run of an older story has timeless lessons about preventing your wallet from being stolen and what to do if it happens to you.
And now, here are five especially helpful personal finance blog posts.
A Wedding Planner’s Top Tips for Cutting Your Big Day Budget (via With the average wedding tab now topping out at over $25,000, here are some good ideas for keeping costs under control.
Seven Frugal Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer (Via Actually, most of these ideas are good year-round.
How Not To Get Promoted (via Helpful and surprising findings from a new CareerBuilder employer survey of what personal characteristics may keep you from getting ahead.
Is Your Social Media Activity Putting Your Career At Risk? (via A good reminder that what you put on Facebook and other social media sites may come back to haunt you.
How to Make an Efficient Weekly House Cleaning Schedule Template and Checklist Chart (via Time is money, so spending less time cleaning is a good thing. Here are some good ideas for staying on top of household chores. It’s a good way to keep the kids involved as well.
Which of these articles did you find most helpful? Anything to add to any of them?
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