Sharing the Journey

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Are you facing a challenging situation? Are you trying to accomplish a difficult goal? One factor that makes a world of difference is the encouragement and support of a good friend.

In 1 Samuel, we see one of the greatest examples of two being better than one: the friendship between David and Jonathan. Jonathan’s father, Saul, was jealous of David’s success as a leader and warrior and plotted to kill him. But Jonathan intervened based on the evil of his father’s intent and the strength of his friendship with David. In chapter 23, verse 16, we read that in the midst of this trial Jonathan went to David “and helped him find strength in God.”

It’s unlikely that any of us are facing the prospect of death at the hand of a friend’s father. However, most of us are probably facing a challenge of some kind. There’s a goal God has placed on our heart that we don’t know how to achieve, a purpose we are pursuing. Trying to do so on our own leaves us vulnerable to the many doubters who dot the landscape. “You’ll never be able to do that,” they assure us. “Who do you think you are?” “Be realistic.” And then there’s our own self-doubt.

That’s why we all need a Jonathan in our life, someone whose mere sight or voice on the other end of the phone brings encouragement; who reminds us of God’s purpose, presence, and goodness.  With whom can you share the goals God has placed on your heart, in order that they might be a source of accountability and encouragement? And what friends could you encourage as they pursue the dreams God has given them?

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