What I Believe

November 18, 2009


  1. Karen Lang

    I already enjoy your newsletter so much Matt and adding this blog is wonderful. I really appreciate all your Bible based wisdom on finances. 🙂

  2. Judy Anderson

    Hi Matt, I think the new site looks great. Your articles are well-written, inspiring and very helpful. Thank you for using your gifts to inspire and educate – truly blessings from God. I always find time to read your material, because I know it’s time well-spent. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Ellen Rosof

    Congratulations Matt! I look forward to reading more great posts!

  4. Mark Salavitch

    Matt, you sure are eloquent in the written form! I am looking forward to gaining some knowledge through you sound advice. Keep up the good – no, Great! – work!

  5. Rob moll

    Congrats on the site! I look forward to reading.

  6. Bob Burns

    Hi Matt,

    Great “new” blog and website!! I look forward to learning more about money and faith through your insight and blogging, thanks for doing such a great work for the Lord – keep up the great and “thrifty” work for the Lord Jesus!

  7. Bible Money Matters

    Congrats on the new site and blog. I look forward to reading more!

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