Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web.
If your only goal is more, you’ll never get there (Becoming Minimalist). There’s no objective measure of “enough.” You just have to decide.
The 3 kinds of inflation (A Wealth of Common Sense.) The third type is one we can control. Here how.
How to give great gifts: what science teaches us (Wall Street Journal). Ideas for upping your gift-giving game.
Numbers on a screen (The Belle Curve). With the world becoming ever more financially abstract, it’s important to keep things real when teaching our kids about money.
The paradox at the grocery store (The Atlantic, via MSN). One solution for choice overload: switch where you shop.
How to visit colleges (The College Financial Lady). A helpful list of questions to ask on a college visit.
Here’s what you need to know about travel medical insurance (Kiplinger). Especially if you’re going overseas, you probably need this.
Here’s why 1,500 square feet is the best home size (Southern Living). This won’t work for big families, but for smaller families and empty nesters, here’s how to get the most out of a not-so-big house.
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