
Profitable Ideas: When Giving is Hard, Your Kids Don’t Want Your Stuff (Or Do They?), and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web.

When giving is hard (Good Sense). “If you’re in a position of financial difficulty, how do you make room for giving?” See also, Giving generously when in debt

My parents have a lot of stuff in their house. I don’t want most of it. (Wall Street Journal). Oftentimes, deciding what to keep isn’t a decision at all. Stuff just accumulates. You’ll do everyone a favor by getting rid of some of it. By the same token, what should you hang onto? That’s what you’ll wonder when you read, He found his dad’s 1930s car at an auction — and got it working again

Study finds more than half of teenagers have no rules for using tech at home (Science X). A no-rules tech household isn’t good for anyone. Consider the use of an electronic device contract

The rise of the McMansion: 11 charts show just how much bigger and fancier American houses have gotten since the 1970s (Business Insider). When things change slowly over time, we hardly notice and assume this is normal. It’s eye-opening to look back at what was normal 50 years ago.

We need to talk about your retirement ‘spending’ (Morningstar). The case for spreading out the giving of an inheritance instead of saving it all for the end.

What does this college cost? (The College Financial Lady). This article delivers less than promised, but it does point to one helpful source of information — the Common Data Set.

How to give gifts in a culture where everyone already buys everything they want (Becoming Minimalist). Sometimes, the best gifts are those that can’t be wrapped.

Travel insurance: what you need to know before you buy (Clark Howard). I wouldn’t take an overseas trip without it.

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.

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