Kids Who Do Chores Do Better With Money

Parents of adult children who regularly did household chores while growing up are more likely to describe their kids as “very financially responsible” than parents whose kids did fewer or no chores.  That’s one of the findings from a new Charles Schwab & Company...

Should You Pay Kids to Go Green?

A new web site, Green Allowance, encourages parents to use allowances to motivate their kids to develop environmentally friendly habits. The site fosters a deal between parents and their kids: the kids take on various energy saving projects, the parents split some of...

Kids’ Media Use Growing Fast

Today’s’ young people ages 8 to 18 spend over 7 and a half hours a day using entertainment media such as televisions, computers, cell phones, and MP3 players.  As reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation, daily media usage among young people has grown by over an hour...

Kids Feeling Stress of Recession

The recession has impacted all of us, including children.  As reported on, a new survey from the American Psychological Association (APA) found that 30 percent of young people ages 8 to 17 are worried about their family’s finances – their second-highest...

Teaching Kids About Money

Most kids have piggy banks – 85 percent of children ages 8-14, according to a new survey from T. Rowe Price. However, in many cases whatever money is going into those piggy banks is coming out just as quickly. More than 40 percent of parents who give their kids...

A Teaching Moment

With financial issues dominating news headlines, this is an especially good time to teach kids about money. And they could use some help. An LA Times article noted that many of today’s youth are already exhibiting the over confidence and lack of knowledge that...