by Matt Bell | May 23, 2017 | Faith & Finances
Most people love a good story, especially a positive one. A story of overcoming, of living for something bigger than ourselves, of making a difference. Over the years, I’ve heard many people’s remarkable financial stories, which has been one of my favorite parts of...
Amen, Larry. I think temperament plays an important role here. My primary temperament is choleric, which brings with it a…
Good stuff, Matt. We need to work diligently toward long-term goals, but we also need to "stop and smell the…
Amen to all of that, Brad. We would all do well to remember that there's so much more to a…
Thanks, Aaron. Glad the article resonated with you.
Matt, I appreciate you sharing this great story! This reminds me how some churches do a great job of remembering…