by Matt Bell | Feb 19, 2016 | Psychology of Money, Spending, Teaching Kids
A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently. Why you might go bankrupt if your next-door neighbor wins the lottery (Wall Street Journal). Really interesting research into the whole...
by Matt Bell | Mar 20, 2012 | Budgeting/Planning, Insurance |
No one has ever accused an insurance policy of being a page-turner. However, those packets of boring legalese are essential for financial success. Let’s look at some of the most important types of insurance so you can determine how to get the right coverage at the...
by Matt Bell | Jul 29, 2011 | Spending |
There are tons of great personal finance articles on the web. Here’s my highly subjective list of 10 of the best from recent weeks – 5 from traditional sites, 5 from blogs. How Die-Hard Couponers Do It (via CNNMoney). Feel like you’re missing out because you’ve read...
Amen, Larry. I think temperament plays an important role here. My primary temperament is choleric, which brings with it a…
Good stuff, Matt. We need to work diligently toward long-term goals, but we also need to "stop and smell the…
Amen to all of that, Brad. We would all do well to remember that there's so much more to a…
Thanks, Aaron. Glad the article resonated with you.
Matt, I appreciate you sharing this great story! This reminds me how some churches do a great job of remembering…