
Profitable Ideas: Keeping Financial Secrets Isn’t Romantic, The Work/Faith Connection, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently.

Baby Boomers are more likely to keep financial secrets (Washington Post). This is one of the benefits of tools like If you set it up correctly, it gives both spouses anytime/anywhere access to your household’s full financial picture.

Something unromantic to get with an engagement ring: insurance (MarketWatch). This article is also for those who’ve been married for a while. Do you have adequate coverage for jewelry?

When dad is the boss: tax perks of hiring your kid (CNBC). If you’re a parent and are self-employed or have a side business, your best new hire might be sitting at your kitchen table right now.

The architect serving refugees with his work (The Gospel Coalition). Great example of connecting our work and our faith.

Stop wasting money on doing your taxes (The Finance Buff). Do you know about all of these free or nearly-free options?

Bill Watterson: How to find your life’s meaning (Better Humans). One of my all-time favorite cartoonists on how he pursued his passion. I always like these real-life stories that dispel the myth of the overnight success.

Five things to take off your resume in 2017 (The Simple Dollar). Good tips for bringing your resume into the 21st century.

The beginners guide to deliberate practice (James Clear). If you want to get good at something, whether work related or a hobby, it isn’t about how much you practice; it’s about how you practice. For extra credit, check out the Freakonomics podcast mentioned in this article.

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