
Profitable Ideas: 9 Signs You’re Money-Wise, The Scarcity Fallacy, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.

9 signs you’re good with money — even if you don’t think you are (Business Insider). Which ones are you getting right?

5 things to do now to prepare your home for summer (Wise Bread). Each season has its own unique set of chores.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to… die prematurely? (Marketplace). Even desk jobs can be hazardous.

The scarcity fallacy: Is less really more? (The BAM Alliance). Great perspective on the minimalism movement.

Should college applicants be concerned about their social media profiles? ( This may be less of an issue than you thought, but it’s still an issue.

Distinction bias: Why you make terrible life choices (Medium). The human brain is miraculous, but when it comes to making wise financial decisions, it can lead us astray.

5 years on from the Rana Plaza collapse, how much has actually changed? (Vogue). The high cost of cheap clothes — this is an issue that concerns me a lot, but it’s complicated. See this related photo essay.

Cost of living: Why you should choose a cheap place to live (Get Rich Slowly). This may be the most underrated tip for gaining a financial life that works. Having moved from Chicago to Louisville in 2012, I’ve seen first-hand how financially beneficial it can be to live where the costs are low.

What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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