Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. The stress we needlessly bring into our lives (Becoming Minimalist). Some stress is unavoidable, but there’s a lot of consumerist stress we can do something about. Do I need to unfreeze my credit to shop for car insurance? (Clark Howard). Freezing your credit files […]
Tag Archives | Minimalism
Profitable Ideas: Pursuing “Enoughness,” TikTok’s 15/3 Rule, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Why success doesn’t lead to satisfaction (Harvard Business Review). Are you operating with faulty measures of “enoughness”? The invisible costs of homeownership (The Joint Account). The cost of a home goes well beyond the purchase price. Parents, please turn off your phones (Institute for […]
Profitable Ideas: Keep Your Number to Yourself, Less Stuff Rules, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. When companies ask for your Social Security number, try saying no (Wall Street Journal). Organizations are free to ask, but you’re free to say no. The global loss of the u-shaped curve of happiness (After Babel). Lengthy article, but on an important topic. While […]
Profitable Ideas: Fight Fair About Money, Social Media and the End of Childhood, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Does your child need to file a tax return this year? (Kiplinger). The rules are somewhat complicated (big surprise there, right?). Another reason to file is if they had earned income and contributed to an IRA (preferably a Roth IRA!). A helpful guide to […]
Profitable Ideas: Less is More, Closing the Bank of Mom and Dad, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 30 areas of life where subtracting can add more (Becoming Minimalist). Less. That word feels strangely enticing. Give yourself (and your money) some love (Real Smartica). Making an honest assessment of your situation will go better if you ditch the blame. These families are […]
Profitable Ideas: The Art of Slowing Down, Making Money a Blessing in Your Marriage, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 7 simple steps to embrace slow living through minimalism (No Sidebar). I link to so many articles about slowing down and simplifying because I want to do those things! How about you? How your college major affects whether you have enough money for retirement […]
Profitable Ideas: Set It and Forget It No More, Generosity Done Right, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Your ‘set it and forget it’ 401(k) made you rich. No more. (Wall Street Journal). The Journal’s advice? Lower your expectations. Hmm. Baby boomers are aging. Their kids aren’t ready (Vox). How are your parents doing? And what’s your plan for when they aren’t […]
Profitable Ideas: Financial Regrets, Money is Messy, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Survey: 74% of Americans have a financial regret, most frequently not saving for retirement early enough (Bankrate). If we could better envision our future selves, we would probably save more—and eat better, and get more exercise, and… Am I being tricked into overtipping when […]
Profitable Ideas: Exploding Closets, Simplicity Wins, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Consumers have ‘5 times’ more clothes than they did in the 80s. This is the impact (CNN). I once heard that people typically wear only 20% of the clothing in their closet. I’m guessing that percentage is even lower now. See also, Fast fashion […]
Profitable Ideas: The “Good News is Bad News” Economy, Politeness Won’t Get You Hired, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Why are experts talking about low unemployment like it’s a bad thing? (CNN). A good explainer of this “good news is bad news” economy. Ways to teach your kids about money on vacation this summer (Saving For College). A lot of this has to […]