A weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.
6 ways to apply decluttering principles to your finances (Becoming Minimalist). It adds peace of mind when your finances are simplified and well organized.
Rich habits: Ask for what you want (Four Pillar Freedom). Couldn’t agree more. It’s amazing what you can get if you just ask.
Here’s why you shouldn’t wash dishes by hand (Reader’s Digest). Ah, but should you rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher?
Ready, set, file: Everything you need to know about completing your 2018 return (CNBC). Apparently, even with the government shutdown, IRS workers are on the job, ready to process your refund.
Costco tire center: 7 things to know before getting new tires (Clark Howard). The warehouse club store may not actually have the best prices on some of their food items, but apparently it does have good prices on tires.
The spare button represents all the ways we fail to be good consumers (Vox). A good read, despite the oxymoron in the title — “good consumer.”
‘I wanted the unreasonable’ (The Simple Path to Wealth). A compelling vision of living incredibly well without making a ton of money.
Leave behind more than your money (Kiplinger). Good estate planning is about more than the forms you fill out.
What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
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