
Profitable Ideas: New Insights Into the Money/Happiness Connection, Finding Financial Margin, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.

Time for happiness (Harvard Business Review). Why using money to free up time can boost happiness, and why so few of us use money that way.

Spending happily (Humble Dollar). More on the money/happiness equation.

7 ways to use emotional intelligence to beat procrastination (Fast Company). Some habits that’ll help you get unstuck.

One big thing (Of Dollars and Data). In many areas of life, including financial, one piece of information can make a big difference.

Secret experiment suggests one key way to boost retirement savings (CNBC). Envisioning the future isn’t easy, but it does have the benefit of being profitable.

This is what I’m teaching my kids about money (that I learned the hard way) (Fast Company). Lots of good ideas here for anyone with kids.

A woman who studied 600 millionaires discovered where you choose to live has two effects on your ability to build wealth (Business Insider). This is one of the least appreciated yet most effective ways to create financial margin.

Virtual credit card numbers cut fraud risk (Kiplinger). The future of credit cards is here, at least with some issuers.

What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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