
Profitable Ideas: The Fifth-Grade Philanthropist, Closing the Bank of Mom and Dad, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.

A 5th grader’s boredom while visiting her mom’s job led to $70,000 for the elderly in need (CNN). Inspiring story about the good that a young child can do.

Discipline equals freedom: The difference between deprivation and depriving yourself (Get Rich Slowly). One of them is a good thing—and an important key to getting to a good place with your finances.

Do money apps make us better or worse with our finances? (BBC). While a lot of apps can make life more efficient, some can do financial harm.

4 products on deep discount in February (Consumer Reports). Some fairly expensive items that typically go on sale this month.

House Rules (Humble Dollar). Owning a home can be a good thing—if you understand all that you’re signing up for.

Protection…or Overkill? Five Insurance Policies You May Not Need (The Simple Dollar). Some good advice to make sure you don’t overpay.

Q&A: Joshua Becker on keeping a minimalist home (Washington Post). Wondering what to do with all your books, pictures, and family heirlooms? The master of minimalism has answers.

How to wean grown kids off your payroll (USA Today). Saying “no” to your kids can be tough, but closing the bank of mom and dad will profit them in the long run.

What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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