The Target app price switch: What you need to know ( With Target’s app, prices go up when you enter the store. Since that story broke, the retailer apparently has updated its app, but as always, buyer beware.
Parents: Stop worrying about saving enough for college (Forbes). Where college funding should fall on a parent’s financial priorities.
Medishare reviews: A guide to choosing the right health sharing ministry (Next Level Finance). A good comparison of healthcare sharing ministries, which offer savings vs. traditional health insurance.
The wedding industry bonanza, on full display (The Atlantic). Selling the myth of the perfect wedding.
Where big leaps happen (Collaborative Fund). Whether in your career or your investments, it takes a unique combination of skills to succeed.
Careers become dicey after age 50 (Squared Away). Reasons not to coast or assume you’ll be able to work as long as you’d like to.
Things we don’t cherish and things we do (The Simple Dollar). The importance of aligning your use of money with what really matters to you.
The five-year rule for buying a house (Money Ning). Some math all home buyers should understand.
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