Profitable Ideas: Your First Bear Market Rodeo is the Hardest, Everything Compounds, and More

September 23, 2022

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.

Navigating the pain of your first bear market (A Wealth of Common Sense). Words of wisdom for all investors, but especially new investors.

Everything compounds (Humble Dollar). One of the most important concepts in money management, and in life.

Scams are showing up at the top of online searches (Washington Post). Be careful where you click.

Does money make you happy? The latest research might surprise you (US News). The connection between money and happiness has been studied for a long time, and yet new insights continue to be found.

Some Millennials and Gen Zers are closing investing accounts over inflation. Here’s why that may lead to regrets (CNBC). This points to the need to separate saving from investing and adopt a long-term approach to investing.

9 ways to build a generous family (Art Rainer). Great guidance for raising generous kids.

I used my emergency fund, and I liked it (She Picks Up Pennies). There’s nothing very exciting about building an emergency fund, but it’s so satisfying to have one when you need it. Great real life example.

The best ways to donate old eyeglasses (Clark Howard). Got a few pair tucked in a junk drawer? Here are some better ideas for your old specs. See also, Are you recycling plastic bottle caps correctly? Possibly not. (Moral Fibers). 

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.


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