
Profitable Ideas: Leaving Your Heirs More Than Money, Who’s Influencing Your Investments, and More

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.

How to use tech to create an ethical will (Wired). Filling in the gaps left by a traditional will.

How should your children inherit? 4 scenarios where ‘equal’ is not appropriate (Kiplinger). This is a tough issue for a lot of parents, but it’s worth thinking about.

No degree, no problem. (Fidelity). I’m seeing more and more companies that either do not require a college degree or will help pay for one.

Trading games (Of Dollars and Data). Be careful who you take investment advice from. 

Best used cars for the money (Clark Howard). Prices still seem steep. As Howard concluded, if you can hold off on this purchase for now, that is likely the best option.

Americans throw out 32% of the food they buy. Here’s how to avoid so much waste (Fast Company). Food is one of the biggest expenses for most families, so throwing less of it away is a good goal. So is composting.

Don’t bank on getting your tax refund quickly, IRS cautions (CBS Money Watch). First came news that refunds are likely to be lower than last year. Now comes word that they’ll be slower to arrive as well.

The inn had no room; does your heart? (Eternal Perspective Ministries). Some powerful, timely thoughts about the miraculous birth of Jesus. Here’s wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.

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