Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.
Would you trade places with Warren Buffet? (Owen Stoneking). A good piece about the value of time and experiences.
Forget milk and eggs: supermarkets are having a fire sale on data about you (The Markup). Those frequent shopper cards don’t just save you some money, they make a ton of money for the store.
8 questions to ask when setting up a family inheritance (Luke1428). If you’re going to leave some money behind, do so wisely.
Research on why Christians should be the most grateful people (Eric Geiger). Gratitude depends heavily on who we give credit to for all that we have.
Five lies we believe about money (Relevant Magazine). Do you believe any of these?
Now you can ‘subscribe’ to a car instead of buying or leasing one (Lifehacker). It’s promoted as less expensive than renting, but if you never buy, your payments just go on and on.
Your 401(k) match can now be Roth (and other changes from the Secure 2.0 Act) (Flow Financial Planning). If you have a Roth 401(k), this is a welcome change.
Where new landlords go wrong (Wall Street Journal). Do you own rental property? What are some lessons you learned the hard way?
To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.