
“Trusted” — New Book on Teaching Children About Money — is Now Available

This week marks the release of “Trusted: Preparing Your Kids for a Lifetime of God-Honoring Money Management.” I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have written this book and I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity to encourage and equip parents to help their kids get on a good, God-honoring path with money at an early age.

Focus on the Family (along with its partner, Tyndale House) is the publisher, and here’s the just-released interview I did with Focus on the Family President, Jim Daly, and program co-host, John Fuller.

Of all the many biblical money management topics I’ve written about over the years, this is the one I’m most excited about. I say that for three reasons.

First, I made a lot of mistakes with money when I was younger and I’d love to spare today’s young people all that pain.

Second, there’s a lot at stake here. It isn’t that if we don’t teach our kids about money they won’t learn. They will learn, but our consumer culture — with its messages “You don’t have enough” and “You’re not enough” — will be their teacher. Far better for us to teach our kids about money!

And third, there is SO MUCH INCREDIBLE POTENTIAL HERE! Compounding is a phenomenon usually associated with investing. It’s the idea that, over time, a small amount of money invested in a way that generates a return can turn into a lot of money. For example, if someone had $3,000 in an investment account at age 18 and generated an average annual return of 12%, even if they never added another penny, by age 70 it would be worth nearly $1.5 million!

But I love thinking about how that same power could apply to other areas as well, such as generosity. If a child developed a heart of compassion for some of the world’s great needs and cultivated some generous habits at an early age, just think of how God could multiply the impact over her lifetime. And not just with regard to the tangible financial investment she makes in Christ-centered ministries, but in how her generous heart will ripple out into all of her relationships and how living generously will impact her joy.

Or think about another young person who gets is relationships with God and money sorted out early in life. He knows who he is. He’s not the brands he wears or the type of car he’ll eventually drive. He’s a child of God. Just think about how God could multiply that in his relationship with his future wife and how it will free him to make the difference with his life he was designed to make.

I am endlessly excited about the potential for this book to reach many parents and how they could impact their kids in life-changing and even eternity-shaping ways.

A simple proposition

Would you partner with me in this quest? If you have kids at home, would you purchase a copy of “Trusted” and put it to work in your family’s life?

If you don’t have kids at home, would you purchase a copy for a family that does and encourage them to put it to work their family’s life?

Here’s the Amazon link.

Or, if you prefer, here’s the link.

Once you’ve read the book, if you would consider posting a review on Amazon or, I’d appreciate that as well.

And lastly, would you spread the word further within your circles of influence? Would you tell your friends about “Trusted,” post something about it on social media, or get the word out through whatever means you have available?

This isn’t just about helping our kids learn how to save or make good buying decisions, as important as those things are. This is very much about their faith. The Bible says, “Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” Let’s protect our kids through some early intentional teaching about the resources God entrusts to them.

Money was the means through which God drew me into a relationship with Him. Over the years, He has taught me countless lessons about money. And I know that it was through Him that I was given this opportunity to write “Trusted.” My prayer is that the book will reach as many parents as possible, that it will encourage and equip them to help their kids develop God-honoring perspectives and practices around money, and that those young people will know the lifelong joy of using money in ways that bring glory to Him.


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