Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web.
Survey: 74% of Americans have a financial regret, most frequently not saving for retirement early enough (Bankrate). If we could better envision our future selves, we would probably save more—and eat better, and get more exercise, and…
Am I being tricked into overtipping when I eat out? Should I tip before or after sales tax is added? (MarketWatch). Everywhere we turn, it seems, we’re being guilted into tipping.
When usefulness is a burden (Common Good). We’re more than what we do and what we get done.
10 timeless truths that will make you embrace minimalism today (Becoming Minimalist). This has become one of my favorite blogs. There’s just something very compelling about the vision of living a more minimalist lifestyle.
Legislation could wipe out credit card rewards—big spenders stand to lose the most (Barron’s). I didn’t even know this was being considered. Did you?
Rich and anonymous (Collaborative Fund). Money. Ah, it’s complicated, and messy.
5 pillars of post-grad financial planning (Washington Post). Got a recent college grad in the family? I especially like the idea of having a financial mentor.
Biblical financial principles and 5 practical steps to live by them (Christian Stewardship Network). Good foundational reminders about living a God-honoring financial life.
To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.