Profitable Ideas: The Art of Slowing Down, Making Money a Blessing in Your Marriage, and More

February 9, 2024

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web.

7 simple steps to embrace slow living through minimalism (No Sidebar). I link to so many articles about slowing down and simplifying because I want to do those things! How about you?

How your college major affects whether you have enough money for retirement (Money). This may seem obvious, but where to go to college and what to study are big decisions with long-term implications. It doesn’t all come down to money, but that’s a very important factor.

Is money a blessing in your marriage? (Sound Mind Investing). A question worth considering.

The joy of not wanting things (Becoming Minimalist). The headline alone runs hard against the grain of our consumer culture, and that’s the point.

How much is that $70,000 truck costing you? (A Wealth of Common Sense). We love our vehicles, and pay quite a price for them.

The most overrated things in personal finance (Of Dollars and Data). Taking a step back and considering what really matters can go a long way in guiding us toward better financial decisions.

Our complicated relationship with stuff (The Root of All). It’s far more nuanced than you might assume, including the whole stuff vs. experiences conversation, since some stuff is directly tied to experiences. (Be forewarned: the author included a quote with some sketchy language that I hope you can overlook. It’s such a good article, I decided to include it despite that.)

It was the NFL’s greatest threat. It turned into a jackpot. (Wall Street Journal). NFL commissioner Roger Goodell in 2017: “We still strongly oppose…legalized sports gambling. The integrity of our game is No. 1.” Goodell this past December: “A lot has changed.” See also, Young gamblers place sports bets while showering, wager away student loan money, addiction therapist warns (60 Minutes — CBS News).

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.


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