
Profitable Ideas: Finding Contentment in Our Consumer Culture, The Money Date, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Can you be content in a culture of ‘never enough’? (Relevant Magazine). Good ideas for living with joy in our consumer culture. Screen time is contributing to chronic sleep deprivation in tweens and teens (The Conversation). One of many reasons to place limits on […]

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A Simple Step Toward a Solid Financial Future

An endless number of studies have documented people’s general lack of financial preparedness for their later years. As just one example, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) says that among workers age 55 and older, 44% have less than $250,000 saved for retirement (25% have less than $50,000). No amount of finger-wagging lectures seems to […]

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Profitable Ideas: A Lifestyle of Generosity, The Math of Car Ownership, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Raising generous kids through a lifestyle of generosity (National Christian Foundation). “We taught the whole give-some, save-some, spend-the-rest thing, but I think the more important lessons were in how we lived.” See also, The cheerful giver (The Good Sense Movement).  5 things my parents […]

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The Greatest Return on Investment

My wife, Jude, made a comment in our small group recently that got me thinking about generosity in a new way. She referred to a household’s giving as a portfolio of Kingdom investments. I like that a lot and can see how thinking of generosity that way could be very encouraging and helpful. Investments, indeed […]

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Profitable Ideas: Keeping the Last Time in Mind, A Close Encounter With Retirement, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. The last time always happens now (Raptitude). A wonderful piece with helpful, challenging implications for using money well. Taking back control over technology (Thinq). I’m not sure we need to purchase this entrepreneur’s solution, but the conversation is worth listening to and acting on. […]

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To Teach Your Kids Diligence, Watch Your Style

If you’re a parent, have you ever thought about your parenting “style”? I’m not talking about fashion here. I’m talking about the approach you take in raising your kids. More specifically, I’m talking about the expectations you set and how you go about enforcing those expectations. This applies to everything from the behaviors we try […]

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